Robert Ackermann 1801 Colours to be prepared with the First Composition. Ackermann's Yellow Enamel Blue Olive Green Antwerp Blue Egyptian Brown Pink Azure Blue French Green Purple Azure Green Green Earth Patent Yellow Brown Red Indian Red Sanders Blue Burnt Umber Iris Green Sanders Green Blue Earth Lake Sienna Earth Brown Pink Mars Red Vandyke Brown Black Mars Yellow Violet Blue Cologn Earth Mineral Green Vermillion Dutch Pink Orpiment Umber Dragon's Blood Ochre To be prepared with the Second Composition. Bister, Prussian Blue, and Burnt Carmine. Colours for the Third Composition. All the different Whites, and it is very necessary to select the pure sorts and to grind them extremely fine. Colours for the Fourth Composition. Carmine, Precipitate of Gold, Ultramarine, Smalt. Colours in the Preparation ofwhich no Iron Knife ought to be used. The Whites, Smalt, Orpiment, the Yellows (the Ochres excepted), Orange Lead, Ultramarine, Carmine, Lake, Gall-Stone. PREPARATION OF COLOURS FOR PAINTING IN MINIATURE, LANDSCAPES, FLOWERS, SHELLS, ETC. The colours must be mixed upon the marble plate with the following different liquids, viz. FIRST COMPOSITION - To two quarts of distilled water, add twelve ounces of Gum Senegal, and five ounces of Sugar Candy; let the whole be dissolved in a vapour bath, and filter it afterwards through blotting paper. SECOND COMPOSITION - To a vessel, containing two quarts, pour in one pound of distilled Vinegar, fourteen ounces of Gum Senegal, six ounces of Sugar C,andy, two ounces of white Honey, and fill it up with distilled Water; let it dissolve and filter it. THIRD COMPOSITION - Take two quarts of dis- tilled Water, five ounces of Gum Arabic, and two ounces of Sugar Candy, dissolve and filter it. FOURTH COMPOSITION - Dissolve three ounces of Gum Senegal and one ounce of Sugar Candy in two quarts of distilled Water, and filter it.